No matter what happens, no matter how you feel towards the other parent, it is never allowed to speak badly to your children of their father or mother. It is not allowed because you will create an emotional wound that will not heal easily (if it ever heals!). For your children, life is not the same since their father or mother left home. The designated dates are reminders that you are no longer with them every day, and they have a hard time.

Nobody is perfect

No one is perfect in this life. Nobody knows how to be a father or mother, some may be better than others, but nobody has excellence in it. The important thing is to do the best you can, always thinking about the good of the children and the family nucleus, whether with the parents together or separately. A father can make mistakes with his children at times, but it is important to learn from those m

istakes to try to do better in the future.

Think about the welfare of your children

Suppose you want to think about the welfare of your children, then never speak ill of their father or mother. You will only do more damage to them with that poison in the form of words. Do not do it; it is better that you focus on the happiness of your children and that you are well together. You may think that it is fair that your children know how bad a person their father or mother

is, but in reality, you are doing them a disservice that will only cause them emotional damage.

Don’t let anger and resentment darken your heart as you will only be creating more pain and hatred, something that is neither fair nor good for your children.

Do not speak ill of parents to children

When you speak badly to your children about their mother or father, you will be disrespecting your child as a person, and you will also be poisoning an innocent thought. Your children are not to blame for their mother or father being that person you chose to have them, nor are you to blame for what they did to you.

You do not need to say anything bad about their other parent; they will find out what happens. Do not want to rush to tell them something with bad blood because they will realize. But of course, if one day your son asks you things, tell him the truth, honestly and without grudges. Always plead for calm … put hatred aside.

When your child grows up, he will feel grateful that you did not speak ill of his father or mother even if he deserved it. You will find out what it means to respect another person, even if you don’t always deserve it. Above you or your emotions is the emotional and mental well-being of your child. Think about it.